For a One minute short film, this horror/comedy (if that's what you can call it) has been one of my favorite distractions for the last month or two.
Yes, the title is almost as long as the movie itself, but long titles are all the rage these days.
Anyhow, I've never really made a real short film before, but Film Riot put together a one minute movie challenge that offered some amateur film-making gear as the prizes. Since my gear is even less than amateur, I decided to give this a try.
I didn't win, but that doesn't matter. I still got to make a movie.
I do plan on making more shorts in the future. Since I'd like to eventually make some features films, I need to learn the art. While I can read every book on film-making, the best way to learn anything is by doing.
I hope you enjoy my very first movie. I wrote, directed, and basically did everything myself, with the exception of my actors/actresses (my parents), makeup (my sister), and music (which was provided by FilmStro).
By the way, my mom definitely doesn't look that old in real life. We added a good 30 years or more to her face. Amazing what latex and makeup can do.
Don't forget to check out my new release, Swing Low, The Hangman Of The Woods. It should be ready before the end of the year (2018)
Check out my next short film. It's a spoof on The Matrix